Annual Online Student Registration is required for all Lubbock-Cooper ISD students. To complete Online Registration, log in to your Skyward Family Access Portal using your Skyward login credentials.
It is very important that you complete Online Registration for your child. Online Registration must be completed in order for your child to receive their classroom assignment or schedule. Online Registration must also be completed in order for your child to receive their student identification badge, which is required for library services, food services, and transportation services, and is a mandatory component of the district’s safety plan.
Proof of residency must be submitted for every Lubbock-Cooper ISD student during the online registration process. Proof of residency includes:
A utility bill* in the name of parent/guardian
Parent/guardian's driver's license or other government-issued ID
*Utility bills must not be older than 60 days. Utility bills provided must include name and date and service address (not mailing address). (For an LP&L bill, this will include pages 1 and 4; most other bills provide all required information on page 1.) If no utility bills are available because of renting, a lease agreement may be accepted.
Guidelines for Completing Online Registration:
Log in to your Skyward Family Access account. (If you need assistance logging in to Skyward Family Access, please click here for video instructions.)
Upon completion of each step, click on the box: "Complete Step # and move to Step #"
Please maximize your screen to ensure you are able to see all important information. Set your zoom level to 100 percent.
Most required fields are marked with an asterisk.
Please be careful of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and date signature.
Hold your cursor over the answer boxes to view more detailed explanations of questions.
Text that appears in blue is a link to another site. Please click on these sites to get more information or to complete additional tasks. Once you complete the task and close the window, you will be returned to Online Registration.
Online Registration is not COMPLETE until you click "Submit Annual Online Registration" on the last step of the process. Once the form is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation.
Online Registration must be submitted for each student in your family.
Once you have successfully submitted one online registration, please return to the "Annual Online Registration" tab to begin verification for any other students in your family.
To begin the Online Registration process, please click on Step 1, “Verify Student Information.”
If you have any questions regarding annual student registration, please contact your child's campus!